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Sustainability includes so much more. A healthy planet is at the top of our agenda, but so is the health of our employees and society at large. As an international company based in Sweden, we are proudly part of a nation taking on environmental challenges head-on. We love to push the boundaries of what can be done. Constantly reinventing the way we design, produce and think of wallpaper. It’s about progress, not perfection.

"We have decided to go all in and face today’s sustainability challenges on a broad frontier."


We are proud to say that our co-rebels’ well-being is always our highest priority. We focus on empowering our employees and improving their physical and mental health. Our motto, Claim Your Space, not only includes your physical space but also being brave enough to grow as a person and realize your goals and dreams.


From the start, we took responsibility for our crowd and the world around us. The sums were initially small but grew as we grew as a company. We are bursting with pride to support” Habitat for Humanity,” a nonprofit organization that helps people in local communities worldwide to build a place they can call home.

But that's far from all that we do! Read more about our Community Engagement.


Finally, working to improve and save our planet’s environment is THE most essential factor in achieving a sustainable society. We love wallpaper production and believe that design is experienced all the way to the wall. We have chosen to control the whole process from design to production and delivery of your unique wall mural, which gives us a huge advantage in our environmental work.

"We follow all our new family members closely and see them grow taller and prouder each year. "

(Some of!) what we do:

Less waste!

Our wallpapers are custom-made. We never make more than you need! Our waste is recycled and used to produce district heating in our hometown Borås, Sweden.

Top modern.

Our state-of-the-art production facility is environmentally friendly in waste and energy use.

Not only beautiful.

Our own Rebel Mattic, a matte and durable finish is water-based and environmentally friendly.

No mess!

We recycle our waste in both offices and production.

Non toxic!

Our wallpapers are non-toxic and free from heavy metals, detergents, plasticizers, and PVC.

Safety first.

Our wallpapers are tested following European Fire Regulations and have a pass mark of B-s1, d0.

Giving back.

We only use FSC-certified material from sustainable forestry, ensuring that every tree that becomes a stunning wallpaper gets replaced by a newly planted one.

Sticking with it!

Always choosing FSC-certified material helps us protect biodiversity, ecologically important environments, and fair contractual working conditions.


"In 2022 we started a project reviewing all our sustainability goals and making new ones. Stay tuned for more sustainable news to come. "