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Meet a Rebel Rebel Walls X Ilon Wikland

Meet the illustrator behind many beloved children's books, Ilon Wikland. Ilon has illustrated most of the famous author Astrid Lindgren's books, such as Karlsson-on-the-Roof and The Brothers Lionheart (among others!). She has also published and written her own books. What an inspiring rebel!

Now her whimsical and lively art is available as wallpaper. Imaginative and full of cute details!

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Estonian Heritage

Ilon was born in Estonia in 1930. She arrived in Sweden at the age of 14 as a war refugee. Ilon has always had a deep love for drawing and studied art under Akke Kumlien. She developed her very own unique style influenced by Estonian visual art. Some of her motifs are also inspired by memories from her childhood. 

The wallpapers Home Forest and Forest Memories are both illustrations of forests in Haapsalu, Estonia, where she spent much time as a child.

Bringing Stories to Life

In 1953, Ilon met Astrid Lindgren when she was applying for a job at Rabén & Sjögren. Astrid immediately spotted Ilons skill for illustrating fairy tales, and Ilon has never been out of a job since then! Such an amazing talent! Today Ilon is 93 years old and retired.

The wallpaper Backwood Birds definitely has many details to discover!

"It is still the case that if there is something in my life that I want to do, it's to draw. "

Ilon Wikland 2018

Conveying Emotions

A fantastic eye for the smaller things in life has given Ilon's illustrations exciting details and personalities, great at conveying emotions, setting her apart from many others. She found her inspiration everywhere, at the marketplace or home with her four daughters.

Ilon has been incredibly productive, and in 2008, she donated over 800 illustrations to Ilon's Wonderland, a gallery and theme center for children and families.

Experience the illustrations on a larger scale

And now (!) a few of her imaginative and detailed illustrations are available as wonderful wallpapers. Great imagination and conversation starters for both big and small rebels!

Check them out!

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