Tapet til børneværelset
Fototapeter og fototapeter er begge effektive til at personliggøre dit rum, og de har hver deres unikke fordele. Tapeter har mindre, gentagne mønstre, mens fototapeter ofte har større, mere iøjnefaldende designs, der tiltrækker sig opmærksomhed.
Et fototapet portrætterer ofte et enestående, virkningsfuldt design, såsom et malerisk landskab, eksplicit skaleret til dine vægdimensioner. Fototapeter leveres i ruller med hvert panel nummereret for ubesværet installation.
Fototapeter har et par forskellige mønstergentagelser:
Fuldt repeterbar: Mønsteret i disse fototapeter gentages problemfrit både vertikalt og horisontalt. Det betyder, at uanset om du har højt til loftet eller ønsker at tapetsere en bred væg eller flere vægge, vil mønsteret se godt ud uden at miste sin skala eller proportioner.
Horisontalt repeterbart: Mønsteret i disse vægmalerier gentages horisontalt. Dette betyder, at det er perfekt til en bred væg eller flere vægge, størrelsen på mønsteret vil tilpasse sig væggens højde.
Ikke gentagelig: Disse vægmalerier er fremragende til at skabe et slående fokuspunkt i et rum. De er normalt beregnet til en enkelt accentvæg og har ikke et gentagende mønster. Det kan f.eks. være tapet skabt ud fra et fotografi.
Tapet har mønstre, der gentages lodret nedad, hvilket giver en harmonisk og dekorativ fornemmelse i et rum. Tapeter produceres i ruller, og vores rulleberegner hjælper dig med at bestemme, hvor mange du skal bruge baseret på dine vægmål.
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Playful and Creative Kids Room Wallpaper Murals
Turn your little one's room into an exciting place with one of our selected kid's room wallpaper. No matter if your kid wants a green, blue, red, or an array of all colors of the rainbow, there's something for everyone in our assortment that will match your kid's artistry. We provide playful and cool kid's room wallpaper murals in styles such as fairy tales, sports, art, and nature.
Make your kid a "rebel" by hanging one of our wall murals for kids. A kid’s room should be open for play and creativity. This is the place in the house where your child rules. So, let it be that way... and encourage it! With a kids room wall mural it will be easy for your little one to play, create, laugh, and learn, just what a kid wants to do – on his or her terms. Want to create one of your child's drawings into a wall mural?
Why not create your own wall mural, it's so easy, simply scan any drawing or artwork, and upload it. Perhaps you have a selection of your child’s own drawings or paintings and would like to use one of them to create your wall mural. Why not group them and create one big wall mural. Our designers can also help you create this into a beautiful collage, contact our design service team.
Create a Castle for Your Little One with A Kids Room Wallpaper Mural
Everything doesn’t have to be pink or blue – it can be both at the same time. Or, it can be all the colors of the rainbow. A wall mural makes it effortless to create a spellbinding room full of fun and imagination for your little one, without having to paint it in one particular color. Choose from a huge range of photo wall murals with exotic animals, different nature scenes, sports, and many playful patterns. Do they currently have a favorite theme or obsession? We have lots of magnificent ideas for your child's room. From those hooked on pirates, our "High Seas” wall mural will have every child shouting “All hands hoay”.
Bring the safari to any wall with our adorable wallpaper “Animal Party”, perfect for those who love all animals, including giraffes, elephants, monkeys. Looking for the ideal nursery wall mural, our adorable “Wild Willows” wall mural has brought plenty of smiles and memories to so many nurseries, with its colorful wildlife scenery, this wall mural will make any nursery an excellent place to start a new life.
Create the Perfect Environment with A Wallpaper Mural for Your Kids Room
All our wallpapers are free from VOC and toxic substances, which means our wallpapers are 100% pure from solvents and other harmful substances, making our wallpapers safe for any child's room. We deliver your wall mural right to your doorstep together with free paste and clear instructions. It's an easy job to wallpaper – and we assure you that the results will blow your mind!