Forest Wallpaper
Nature has a calming effect on your way of living, so why not get the opportunity to be closer to nature, even in your own home, with stunning forest wallpaper?
Veggmalerier og tapeter er begge effektive for å personliggjøre plassen din, og hver av dem har unike fordeler. Bakgrunnsbilder har mindre, gjentatte mønstre, mens veggmalerier ofte har større, mer iøynefallende design som vekker oppmerksomhet.
Et veggmaleri skildrer ofte en enestående, virkningsfull design, for eksempel et pittoresk landskap, eksplisitt skalert til veggdimensjonene dine . Veggmalerier leveres i ruller med hvert panel nummerert for enkel montering.
Veggmalerier har noen forskjellige mønstergjentakelser:
Fullt repeterbare: Mønsteret i disse veggmaleriene gjentas sømløst både vertikalt og horisontalt. Dette betyr at enten du har stor takhøyde eller ønsker å tapetsere en bred vegg eller flere vegger, vil mønsteret se bra ut uten å miste skala eller proporsjoner.
Kan gjentas horisontalt: Mønsteret i disse veggmaleriene gjentas horisontalt. Dette betyr at den er perfekt for en bred vegg eller flere vegger, størrelsen på mønsteret vil tilpasse seg høyden på veggen.
Kan ikke gjentas: Disse veggmaleriene er utmerket for å gjøre et slående fokuspunkt i et rom. De er vanligvis ment for en enkelt aksentvegg og har ikke et repeterende mønster. Dette kan for eksempel være tapet laget fra et fotografi.
Tapet har mønstre som gjentas vertikalt nedover, og gir et harmonisk og dekorativt preg til et rom. Tapeter produseres i ruller, og rullekalkulatoren vår hjelper deg med å bestemme hvor mange du trenger basert på veggdimensjonene dine.
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Extraordinary Forest Wall Murals
Our forest wallpapers are of high quality when it comes to reproducing the wonderful and beautiful views of nature. We want to give you the best experience of the intense colors in our beautiful forest wallpaper by offering a variety of trees and woodland scenes. So why not sit amongst the trees in your living room or bedroom and bring the natural beauty of the outdoors to your living space?
Escape the Everyday City Scene
There are so many of us now living in the city that we often don’t get the opportunity to appreciate the natural beauty of nature. Bring the outdoors indoors with our forest wall mural. Step into a fairytale and bring some magic to your walls with our Fairy Forest wall motif, this pattern offers beautiful vivid colors and a high level of detail, in this picturesque landscape makes this a favorite amongst many Rebels, with its row of trees lined on each side, this scenic and breathtaking landscape will have you relaxing in no time. Decide which Rebel Walls forest wallpaper is your favorite.
Add Depth To Your Room With a Forest Wallpaper
Are you an outdoors person? Then you will love our forest wallpapers with varieties of seasonal shades and stunning views. With a forest motif, the room gets a depth that can seem endless. Not sure what type of landscape to go for? In our assortment, we have a selection of birch forests, oak forests, and many other beautiful forest environments. Our ever-so-popular and captivating patterns Bellewood and Jungle Land, are also available in a variety of colors.
Transport Your Guests into the Heart of Nature
We derive almost all of our inspiration from nature. As a company based in Southern Sweden, we are surrounded by forests. It serves as a wonderful harmony right outside of our door. We interact with it every single day and we want to bring that beauty into your home.
For all it has done for us in terms of sustaining us and inspiring us, we want to pass that forward. Browse our expansive collection of forest wallpapers and find your next muse.
A Harmonious Calm
Forest Wallpaper has fantastic uses and fits perfectly into settings such as the bedroom, children's room, bathroom, and beyond. This distinct and wonderful theme brings you back to your natural roots. Look through the mist between the trees and gaze into the distance and get lost in thought.
Ponder ideas of future plans and past experiences with this calming and harmonious theme. The forest grounds us. It brings us back to the center and is a masterpiece that is inviting to all guests alike. With this, it is an interesting talking point. Everyone has memories from their childhood taking place in the forest. Use this as a platform to reminisce and share stories with family and friends.
Bamboo Wallpapers and Wall Murals
Explore our timeless and beautyful bamboo-themed wallpapers. Embrace nature's tranquility and sophistication as you invite the gentle sway of bamboo into your living spaces. Our bamboo-inspired wallpaper collection captures the essence of nature's lush foliage, bringing an air of Zen-like serenity to your room.