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Showcase House


There are many tasteful wallpapers in this well-decorated, newly manufactured house. In collaboration with the interior designer from Hjärterum, our designer has adapted the color and scale of several of our designs to fit this project perfectly. The result is a harmonious home with a common thread running through every room.


OBJECT: Showcase House Myresjöhus

LOCATION: Borås, Sweden

ARCHITECT: Hjärterum

WALLPAPER DESIGN: Brush Greige, Fields Graphite, Big Strokes Multi, Berlin Rust - bespoke color, Fragments & Papier Mache – bespoke color

"Our goal was to use the wallpaper to create an Industrial style to enhance Myresjö's basic idea with the house design. The industrial style has been characterized by the simple and unpolished from the first moment. If you look at the early workshops and factory premises from which the inspiration was taken, the function was in focus. By choosing large patterns in muted natural colors and working more with the experience of the surface structure, than the actual pattern image and by choosing wallpaper that gave the walls a more structured and slightly rawer surface, we take the industrial style to a new level... - Simon Sjödin, Design Service Specialist"