Dining Room Wallpaper
Product Types
Wall murals and wallpaper are both effective for personalizing your space, each offering unique benefits. Wallpapers have smaller, repeating patterns, while wall murals often feature bigger, more eye-catching designs that command attention.
Wall Mural
A wall mural often portrays a singular, impactful design, such as a picturesque landscape, explicitly scaled to your wall dimensions. Wall Murals are delivered in rolls with each panel numbered for effortless installation.
Wall murals have a few different pattern repeats:
Fully Repeatable: The pattern in these murals repeats seamlessly both vertically and horizontally. This means that whether you have high ceilings or want to wallpaper a wide wall or multiple walls, the pattern will look good without losing its scale or proportions.
Horizontally Repeatable: The pattern in these murals repeats horizontally. This means that it is perfect for a wide wall or multiple walls, the size of the pattern will adjust to the height of the wall.
Non-Repeatable: These murals are excellent for making a striking focal point in a room. They're usually meant for a single accent wall and don't have a repeating pattern. This could be wallpaper created from a photograph, for example.
Wallpaper features patterns that repeat vertically downwards, offering a harmonious and decorative feel to a room. Wallpapers are produced in rolls, and our roll calculator helps you determine how many you'll need based on your wall dimensions.
Learn More
Learn more in our comprehensive guide on wall murals vs wallpaper.
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